Tag Archives: Lara Jacoski

Projeto Perfil

Many thanks to my friends at Bem Te Vi Produções for including me in the latest video for their current Profile Project; explained below.


Have a look at the Video here and contact them if you know someone who could take part!

Numa época em que a pessoa jurídica fala mais alto que a pessoa física, em que máquinas fazem mais que mãos, o projeto perfil busca a humanização da vida, que sejamos cúmplices da mesma raça. São procuradas pessoas com histórias e/ou habilidades especiais e únicas.
São eles: artistas, cozinheiros, jardineiros, donas de casa, contadores de histórias, marceneiros, empreendedores, músicos, costureiros, pedreiros e pessoas de verdade, que transmitirão a beleza de ser comum, diferente ou não.
Contra a celebrização e a cultura do espetáculo, o projeto trará pequenos perfis de personagens interessantes e
fundamentais, que com suas peculiaridades irão nos inspirar, instruir e abrir os horizontes para tanta cultura, criatividade e amor que há por aí.
En un momento en que la persona jurídica habla más fuerte que el individuo, en el que las máquinas hacen más que las manos, el proyecto busca la humanización de la vida, que seamos cómplices de la misma raza.
Se buscan personas con historias y/o habilidades especiales y únicas, como: artistas, cocineros, cuentacuentos, jardineros, sastres, carpinteros, actores, amas de casa, albañiles y personas reales que transmitan la belleza de ser común, diferente o no.
Contra la celebración y la adoración del espectáculo, el proyecto proporcionará pequeños perfiles de personajes interesantes, con sus peculiaridades que inspiran, instruyen y abren los horizontes para mucha cultura, creatividad y amor.
The project profile is ABOUT PEOPLE TO THE PEOPLE.
In a period where companies have more say than regular people, where machines make more than hands, Perfil Project looks for the humanisation of life. It explores if that humans could be concomitant of the same race.
We’re searching for people with stories and/or unique skills e.g. artists, chefs, storyteller, gardeners, tailors,
carpenters, housewives, builders, musicians, entrepreneurs and people who can transmit the beauty of being a regular person, different or no.
Going against the celebration and worship of spectacle culture, the project will create mini profiles of interesting individuals that can instruct, inspire and open up new horizons with their particular skills, for all the culture, creativity and love that’s around.
A un moment où les grandes entreprises parlent plus fort que les gens du peuple, où les machines produisent plus que les mains, le Projet Profile (Projeto Perfil) recherche l’humanisation de la vie et comment nous sommes tous des complices de la même race. Nous recherchons des personnes avec des histoires et/ou des qualités spéciales et uniques. Elles peuvent être artistes, cuisiniers, jardiniers, femmes au foyer, conteurs, charpentiers, entrepreneurs, musiciens, couturiers, maçons. Des personnes réelles, qui transmettent la beauté d’être normal, avec ses différences, ou non.
Face au culte de la célébrité et à la culture du spectacle, le projet entend dessiner de courts profils de personnages intéressants et essentiels qui, de par leurs particularités, pourront inspirer, instruire et ouvrir des horizons vers toute cette culture, cette créativité et cet amour qui nous entourent.

Camilla Brendon, 34South|61North film by Lara Jacoski and Patrick Belem

The month of June was spent in Brazil. I traveled from Porto Alegre to Caceres near the boarder with Bolivia. I stopped and worked in Porto Alegre, Curitiba, Sao Paulo and Rio.

In Curitiba Lara Jacoski and Patrick Belem captured the works I did as part of 34South|61North and combined them with an interview about my practice to make this Video.


Have a look and what they do and get in touch: contact@larajacoski.com



This Friday the 7th of June artist Camilla Brendon will be re-working and changing the collaborative piece, GMT- in Curitiba, Brazil.

The work has previously seen the two work simultaneously over Skype reliving each others parallel existances over time zones, seasons and cultures.

Brendon will work alone at p.ARTE pushing her limitations as she enters the world of Curtis. This performance will be fast and energetic, its sure to be a test of her mental and physical endurance.

To see the performance and interview with Camilla click here.